Who is Ellie?
I’m a 28 year old coffee addict and sun chaser living in SW London, building my business which is still in its early days! I’m an ex-lawyer, having trained at a global law firm before leaving to enter the world of working for myself.
What is This Girl Talks Money?
It’s a platform and community founded to create the educational financial content that I wish existed when I wanted to learn about managing money and making money work for me. I create lots of content which is easily accessible and jargon-free to help women in particular to demystify personal finances.
What is your vision or mission?
My mission is to give women the confidence and clarity they need to master their money and finances. Money is such a huge area that affects our lives in so many ways, yet we don’t learn about how to manage it until often, too late. Understanding how to maximise your finances can be so impactful whatever your situation, and my goal is to make money make sense for as many people as possible.
What drove you to start This Girl Talks Money?
The total lack of clear, simple and relevant information out there for young women looking to work on their finances. Everything I found was full of jargon, very patronising and made it sound like a total chore to improve your financial situation. I didn’t believe that had to be the case and so I set out to show it wasn’t!
What does it mean to be a financial coach?
A financial coach is similar to having a personal trainer for your money. I work with clients to uncover their relationship with money and understand why they have the challenges they do, as well as helping them to find practical solutions and answers to financial questions. Often, it’s about understanding your behaviour with spending or saving, but there’s also an educational piece to the work I do too.
What coaching services do you offer?
I work with clients on a 1:1 basis over 12 weeks to transform their relationship with money and set solid foundations to build on for the future. I also offer 75-minute financial health checks for clients looking for support with a specific area, such as budgeting or working towards a savings goal.
What do your programmes include?
My self-study programme, Investing for Beginners, is all you need to know to start making investment decisions. It’s for anyone who is curious about investing but feels overwhelmed with all of the information out there online. Plus, it has lifetime access to all of the updates and new materials!
What does the future look like for This Girl Talks Money?
There are some very exciting conversations happening behind the scenes, as I look to expand my reach and really focus on delivering the message about the importance of financial wellbeing and making the most of your money to more people.
How people can support you?
Following my social channels, sharing my content and providing feedback are all extremely helpful ways of supporting me. I also offer workplace talks, so if anyone thinks their workplace could benefit from some financial education, please reach out!
Best place for people to connect?
[email protected] or @thisgirltalksmoney on Instagram
Anything else you want to be covered?!
Find out more at www.thisgirltalksmoney.com